Wednesday, April 21, 2021


5 best foods to eat before and after

your covid-19 vaccine


Government of India in third phase of vaccination for COVID-19 will allow all individuals above the age of 18 for the COVID-19 vaccine from 1st May 2021, which will hopefully bring an end to the pandemic. You might be wondering if there is something special you can eat or drink before your appointment. The COVID vaccine's potential side effects are reasonably well understood. According to the Doctor’s, symptoms include a sore shoulder, achy feeling, temperature and chills. Everyone is wondering is there something you can consume before and after having the COVID vaccine to help the immune system or reduce symptoms? Here’s what you should take before and after the shot:

1.GREEN LEAFY VEGETABLES:  Antioxidants are abundant in leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, and broccoli which combat inflammation that would otherwise trigger harmful side effects.

2. SOUPS AND STEWS: Our gut plays a critical role in optimal wellbeing, as well as a robust immune response. “It's critical to feed your gut in order to improve your immunity. Colorful vegetables, anti-inflammatory spices, and fibre can all be found in these.

3. PREBIOTIC AND PROBIOTIC: Onion, garlic, blueberries, raisins and curd all are good source of pre and probiotics. Your curd set with raisins is a good combination to have for improved immunity and feeding good gut bacteria.

4.TURMERIC: A Miracle anti stress food Turmeric is an effective anti-inflammatory agent that also protects the brain from stress.

5.PLENTY OF FLUIDS: Staying hydrated is essential for good health, especially when having your COVID vaccine. You must re-energize yourself by drinking plenty of water, juices, coconut water or eating hydrating fruits, which will reduce the risk of serious side effects and make you feel better during the course of vaccine.


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