Saturday, March 28, 2020



The Psychology Of The Relationship - Canyon News

                                  There is no relationship barometer. The only two people who can measure how strong a relationship is are the people in it and we all know that sometimes you can't trust your own judgment. It's a common but very silly  to assume that just because your partner looked at you the wrong way, was in a bad mood last night ,didn't text you back in a timely manner or fell asleep without saying goodnight - your relationship is doomed. A healthy relationship is a strong relationship.  We all have the right to enjoy a relationship that is smooth, strong ,stable, loving and makes us feel safe.  “Stable” does not mean “boring”.  “Stable” is satisfying, life-enhancing and the foundation for a strong and loving relationship.
I think strongest relationships are the ones that value things like honesty, gratitude and humour over anything else; that involve more long discussions and less long fights; that are based on mutual understanding and a sense of real connectedness . In other words, the relationships that truly complement our lives — not complete us, or "make us happier," or do anything unhealthy or unreasonable. These are the relationships that invite us to be our best selves, and inspire us to show up and be kind, just because we want to, and because our partner is doing so too — it's a very sweet give and take. This can be a relationship between two friends, mother and child, spouses, or even colleagues Here are five  tips to build  a relationship which  is strong enough to last all kind of storms

1.  A good and comfortable communication

Communication to a relationship is like oxygen to life. Without it… it dies. Tony Gaskins
Communication is very important in a relationship between  each other to convey what is felt. A wide range of communications are done  differently by each person. Make up the communication pattern with your partner. Do communication intensively so you still know the news from your partner and make sure your partner is comfortable when communicating with you.It should be the rule no.1 of your relationship that your partner should know each and everything happening in your life from you at the first place rather than from any other source.Its also the duty of each person in a relationship to ensure that he or she do not judge the other person  on anyone else`s opinion  before communicating with the person concerned.

2. Honest with a variety of things

"One honest relationship can be more productive than fistfuls of business cards." ~ Susan Cain

               Honesty is the main key to a relationship. Never hides anything about yourself or your relationship. A stable relationship sits on bedrock of trust. Trust is a slippery slope in relationships. It’s difficult to get and nearly impossible to gain back once it is lost. Breaking trust can change your partner’s personality and their behaviour towards you. You and your partner should be  100% honest and genuine with each other. Be honest even if it's uncomfortable, Even if you're worried it'll hurt their feelings. There should be no jealousy between two people in relationship.  You should be open, vulnerable and authentic with each other.  Whatever fears or emotions you share with your partner, you should be sure that  he will always love you and care for you and vice versa.  A partnership that values honesty and trust over everything else and keeping the peace will stand the test of time way longer.
3. Invest In Each Other’s Mental Well-Being. 

”Sometimes in life, you just need a hug. No words, no advice, just a hug to make you feel better.”

           Both person in a relationship should seek to continue to grow and develop as human beings.  You should invest in each other’s mental well-being .One should share with each other the life lessons you learn as you move forward, and applaud when your partner meets challenges he sets up for himself.  You both should recognize that the gift of life and love is precious, and you keep this at the forefront of your mind so that you never take these for granted.
4. Show Respect and Gratitude for each other

Never above you. Never below you. Always beside you. Is the way to build relationship!

           People  in stable relationships should accept each other for  who they are right now, today.  They do not fall in love with the other’s potential, they fall in love with the other as they were.  Whatever transformations happen in the relationship—physical changes, illness, life challenges ,we should accept and should not try to change each other into the partner you “wish you had. Respect for other person comprises of valuing their needs, feelings, and opinions. You speak kindly to one another, support one another, build each other up, and honour boundaries. To show respect you find ways to remind your partner how much you love them and how grateful you are that they are in your life.  From brewing the first-morning cup of coffee, to a fantastic neck massage, you show your gratitude through physical touch, verbal and written communication, and a soft, unexpected word of love.

5. Give Support to each other 
A true relationship is two imperfect people refusing to give up on each other.
            People who support one another show that they are confident in their relationship and give their partners the freedom to be themselves and follow their dreams. Support is also essential during the hard times that every relationship inevitably hits. Giving your partner a shoulder to cry on, and celebrating life’s little victories will go a long way in making both persons involved happy and content in the relationship. This goes a long way in building a stronger bond.
          Beside all this I would like to add that you should talk to the supreme Lord about all your apprehensions about the relationship. We shall pray for each other. When we see an area of weakness or irritation in your partner, talk first to God and not to the next person around. When I see a weakness in you, and you see one in me, our first job shall be to carry it in prayer. Weaknesses are the very entry point for God’s strength when we ask for it. We will offer grace to one another.  Look for opportunities to touch each other’s lives in a positive way.
.Practice the above and live life to the fullest.
Take Care


Thursday, March 26, 2020


                                            RELATIONSHIPS ARE LIKE BIRDS

There are no perfect relationships ;It’s how you accept the imperfections that make it perfect .Nothing is perfect. Life is messy. Relationships are complex. Outcomes are uncertain. People are irrational. Some of us think holding on makes us strong, but sometimes it is letting go.  Relationship is an art. The dream that two people create is more difficult to master than one. 
 A real relationship is like a river; the deeper it gets the less noise it makes.   You don't develop courage by being happy in your relationships everyday. You develop it by surviving difficult times and challenging adversity.  Looking back and wondering if it could have worked eventually hurts more than trying and failing.RELATIONSHIPS ARE LIKE BIRDS.They need an open sky to flourish and we often make mistake by caging these birds and here the problem starts.
 Birds are not meant to be caged, that's all. Their feathers are too bright, their songs too sweet and wild. So you let them go, or when you open the cage to feed them they somehow fly out past you if caged. And the part of you that knows it was wrong to imprison them in the first place rejoices, but still, the place where you live is that much more drab and empty for their departure.
 Since we as human beings developed the ability to think rationally and analyze our surroundings, we have been curious about why things are the way that they are. If we look at religions and philosophies over the span of human history, there has been one question that has been either asked directly or indirectly , in all cultures and that is WHAT IS PURPOSE OF LIFE?
People come to wonder about the purpose of life for a number of different reasons. Maybe they’re just inherently curious, or they’ve recently experienced a family tragedy, maybe they’re questioning their faith, or they’re going through a depression and are looking for a renewed sense of meaning. To find the purpose of life you’re going to need to do some digging. Because there are so many answers to this question, it’s important that you find the one that resonates with you
. One of the most obvious conclusions we may come to is the need to be happy. Popular psychology will often promote happiness as the highest virtue we often don’t know exactly what happiness is, and it can therefore, be hard to find. To know how to find happiness, and whether or not it is an adequate purpose to your life, you need to first discover what happiness means to you. Once you have a crystal clear image of whatever that is, you can start to go after it and see if it gives you the sense of purpose that answers the big question
.Another can be that purpose of life is to love others.  Love seems to be a healing agent to human suffering and something that connects us across time and culture. When we are able to love others unconditionally, we see our environment naturally become a more stable and fruitful place, and the lens through which we see the world is more positive and productive.
Another way we can find purpose in life is to have a rich and fulfilling array of experiences. As far as we can determine, there is only one life, at least in this particular form. Meaning is therefore created when we celebrate the gift of our human experience through our five senses. Travel, entertainment, love, relationships, good food and novel experiences are all ways in which we may do that. Though not everyone has equal resources to do so, they can still seize opportunities within their own lives if they want to truly live life with no regrets.Relationships thus provide us happiness,love and experiences.
 A relationship consists of two people that have emotional, physical and sexual needs. Both partners try to have some or most of their needs met within their romantic relationship. The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed. Both persons are also willing to do what they can to make their partner happy.
                       Relationships are like birds, they need somebody to care and feed them too.You let it go it will fly away, but if you loved it right it will come back to you.The key is to allow that person to grow without defining who or what you think they should be.
 As long   as there is that connection it’s truly genuine and will last a lifetime.
They had a wing to fly, if you realize your bird was unhappy. The best way you can do is set them free. If they are meant for you they will definitely come back. 

 Sometimes, taking care of them is not just enough.